مجلد 6 عدد 2 (2007)
Abstract: يعد التعليم في الموصل للفترة 1932-1939 على جانب من الاهمية التاريخية ، اذ يشكل بعدا فاعلا على الصعيد الثقافي . يتضمن البحث واقع التعليم في الموصل ما بعد الاستقلال الشكلي للعراق تشرين الاول 1932 وصولا الى الحرب العالمية الثانية 1939 ، من خلال التعرف على المدارس الابتدائية والمتوسطة والثانوية والتطورات التي ادخلت عليها واعداد الطلبة فيها . والمناهج الدراسية المعتمدة فيها . وللاطلاع على الية الامتحانات العامة (البكالوريا) ، مراكزها ومدرائها واعداد الطلبة المشاركين فيها .وللتوجهات القومية لفترة حكم الملك غازي 1933-1939 ادخلت وزارة المعارف العراقية في مناهجها الدراسية التدريب العسكري وفق نظام الفتوة رقم (50) لسنة 1935 الصادر في 31 تشرين الاول 1935 للصفوف المنتهية من المتوسطات والثانويات ودور المعلمين والصنائع . وكانت للصحافة الموصلية دورا في تشجيع التعليم في الموصل بتوجيه انظار المسؤولين لايجاد الحلول التي تواجه التعليم ومنها عدم استيعاب الصفوف والمدارس للاعداد المتزايدة من الطلاب والطالبات والدعوة باستحداث الصفوف والمدارس ومحاربة الامية والاجور المدرسية ومناقشة واقع التعليم الصناعي ، ولفت انظار المعارف الى حاجة الموصل الى صفوف ابنية ومدارس جديدة . Education system in mosul for the period 1932-1939 is of a historical importance . it constitutes an effective dimension on the educational level . the research deals with the status of education in Mosul after the formal independence of Iraq in October , 1932 till the second World war , 1939 ,through the study of primary ,intermediate and secondary schools and the developments which were introduced , the number of pupil s, the curricula , public Examinations systems (Bacheloria) examinations centers ,headmasters and the number of pupils participated in these examinations .Due to the national orientations during the period of king Ghazi’s rule (1933-1939) the Iraqi ministry of education introduced military training in curricular according to youth organization system (futuwa) number 50, 1935 issued in oct ,1935 for the final stages of intermediate , secondary schools .Teachers institutes and industrial schools .Mosuli journalism had also a vital role in encouraging . education in mosul it draw the attention of officials to find solutions for the problems which face teaching of which is the insufficiency of classes and schools because the increasing numbers of pupils and called for the establishment pf new schools and classes , eradication of illiteracy , schools fairs , discussing the reality of industrial teaching , and drawing the attention of the ministry of education to the needs of mosul for new classes , and school buildings .
Abstract: تحمل صورة الإسلام والمسلمين في اوربا صورة نمطية مشوهه ،واهم ملامح هذه الصورة النمطية صبغ الإسلام والمسلمين بصبغة التخلف والعنف والتطرف ، وتبنت وسائل الاعلام المرئية والمسموعة والصحف الغربية بشكل ملحوظ التشوية السافر ضد الإسلام والمسلمين بعملية منظمة ومخطط لها ، ما أدى الى تعميق الهوة بين المسلمين والاوربين، وحتى في الدول العلمانية ، فلم يكتب لهذه الدول النجاح في ان تكون علمانية تماما لما فيها من مشاعر معادية للمسلمين ، وعمليا لم يتسلم مسلم أي منصب وزاري او اداري مهم في هذه الدول لتعاطف المقترعين مع المرشحين المسيحيين . وقد تعززت ظاهرة العداء والعنصرية ضد العرب والمسلمين في اوربا في ضوء تراجع الاوضاع الاقتصادية فيها ، فمشكلة الجاليات المسلمة هي مشكلة ثقافية وحضارية وسياسية ، وهناك مشكلة اخرى في العنصرية ضد المسلمين على الرغم من ان الدين الإسلامي يأتي في المرتبة الثانية بعد الديانة المسيحية في اوربا الاان معظم دول اوربا لاتعترف بوضع الجاليات المسلمة رسميا ويترتب على ذلك ضياع الكثير من الحقوق المدنية والدينية للجاليات المسلمة . وبالتالي فان شعور الجاليات المسلمة بالحصار والمواجهة يدفعها الى اتخاذ ردود افعال دفاعية وكذلك تعزيز صلتها بهويتها والحرص على الاعتزاز المغالي بها وشعورها بالتفوق كتعويض عن تهميشها على المستوى السياسي . ويمكن تصنيف الجاليات المسلمة في الغرب الى ثلاث فئات وهي المستوعبين والمندمجين والمتمردين . ولكن تعترض هؤلاء اشكالية الاندماج في المجتمعات التي هاجروا اليها ، فالاندماج يفضي ترك المسلمين لمفردات شخصيتهم التي قوامها المسلكية الحياتية التي رسمت ابعادها الثقافية الإسلامية وهذا الهم لم يؤرق المسلمين فحسب بل كذلك حكومات الدول الاوربية التي توجد الجاليات المسلمة على أراضيها . فضلا عن مواجهة الجاليات المسلمة الى العديد من المشكلات في المجتمعات الغربية وتختلف التحديات التي يواجهها المسلمين من بلد اوربي الى أخر منها مشكلة الحجاب وعدم الاعتراف بالدين الإسلامي والذوبان في المجتمعات غير الإسلامية والاختلاف بين المسلمين في اوربا وبروز جماعات التطرف وغياب المرجعيات الإسلامية كما ان هناك غيابا للزعامة السياسية والقوة الاقتصادية المسلمة وعدم امتلاك وسائل الاعلام وتفاقم المشكلات الاجتماعية للجاليات المسلمة . The image of Islam and Muslims in Europe has a typical distorted picture. The major features of this stereotypical image of islam are backwardness, violence and extremism. Western media television, radio and newspapers adopted a remarkable blatant distortion against Islam and Muslims in an orderly and planned process which led to a deepening gap between Muslims and Europeans. Even the secular states are not successful to be exactly secular because of this hostile feelings against Muslims. Practically, Muslims, in these states, didn't receive any ministeral or administrative position for the sympathy with the Christian candidates. The racial phenomenon aganist Arabs and Muslims has been strengthened, in Europe, in the light of declining conditions there. The problem of Muslim communities is a cultural, civilized and political one. there is another proplem which is racisim against muslim. Although Islamic religion comes in the second rank after Christianity, most of the European countries do not recognize the Muslim communities' status. Cousequently, they lost much of their civil and religions rights. The feeling of siege and confrontation led Muslim communities to adopt defensive reactions and enchance their relationship with thear identity. They had also a feeling of superiority as a compensation of being politically on the shelf.In West, Muslim communities can be classified into three categories: assimilated, prosperous and rebels. But these are confronted with the problem of integration in the Western society, since integration leads Muslims to leave the wereases of their personalities and their behavioural life which have been mapped out by Islamic culture. This has not been only of concern to Muslims but also to the European governemnts. In addition, there are amny problems that Muslims face in Western societies which differ from one European country to another, like the problem of veil, non-recognition of Islam, melting in non-islamic communities, the difference between Muslims in Europe, the emergence of extremist groups, absence of islamic references. There is also an absence of political leadership and Islamic economic power, as well as, non-ownership of media means and excacerbation of Muslim communities' social problems.
Abstract: Bernard Louis is belong to a historical elite of thinkers, researchers and the leaders of the strategic thought of United states . He is a British historian who has an American identity, in his intellectual theses he talked thoughts which are connect rated on the Islam and Islamic religion and generally effected on the social elites especially on political ones, his intellectual effect was also so clear on the American decision makers and on the new group of conservations who have political influence with the last of second thousand and the beginning of the third one. In this study Iُve talked his curriculum vitae and his personality them I take some samples from his thoughts which he tried to generalized it in the western political reality and the effect of these thoughts on this reality.
Abstract: The Palestinian question drew the attention of the Arab League establish on March 22, 1945 in which protocols Palestine occupies and essential part, besides its pact which contains a special appendix for Palestine where the historical right of independence of Palestine was emphasized and Lebanon being a founding member of the Arab league, which endeavored to help in the achieving of the goals of the league and has an important role in all the sessions of the political committee of the league. Lebanon rejected the Jewish immigration to Palestine and also rejected the establishment of a national state for the Jews in Palestine. It also rejected the report issued by the Anglo- American committee on Jewish immigration. Lebanon took part in tow conferences Anshas and Bludan in 1946 on the Palestine issue, where the halting of the Jewish immigration was stressed and prohibiting the transfer of the Palestinian land to Jews. Lebanon did its best in the courtrooms of the league in opposing the international separation law issued in 1947. In 1948 the Lebanese delegation requested the rejection of the truce with Israel and supporting the Palestinian resistance by money and weapon and establishing a unified independent Arab state in Palestine.
Abstract: The Spaniards took over the west Tripoli since 961 A.H/1510 A.D. after they killed a great number of its population. Since then the Spaniards ruled the West Tripoli directly, which continued for almost 20 year. It was under attack from the Mujahdeen who came from Tajoraa and Garean which became the main bases for resisting the Spaniards Besides, it faced a parallel attack from the two brothers Aarooj and Khair adden who formed a real threat for the Spanish influence in the Arab Magrib. When the sultan Suleiman Alkanonycam to the throne in 1520 , he paid great attention to the West Tripoli through giving his help. He sent ottoman legion headed by Murad Agha to Tajoraa in order to rule it and to face the Spaniards there. Because the frequent raids on the Spanish garrison, the worseness of the living condition and due to the engagement of Charles V in his wars with Francois I, the emperor Charles V decided to give the West Tripoli to the knights of St. Johen. Hence the struggle started between St. John’s Knights and the force of the ottoman in the West Tripoli which continued until 1550 when the West Tripoli the ottoman rule.
Abstract: كان الخليج العربي حتى بدايات القرن العشرين يعيش فترة تسمى فترة التخلف الفكري والثقافي . ففي ذلك الوقت لم تشهد منطقة الخليج أي ملامح للادراك الفكري والثقافي والمتمثل بالمدارس والصحافة والنوادي والجمعيات الثقافية والأدبية وكان الاعتماد فقط على الوصف الكلامي اما الصحافة فكانت تنحصر بعدد محدد من دول الخليج وكان العاملون يفيها من الدول المجاورة كمصر والعراق وسوريا . وهناك عاملان ساهما في ازدياد الإدراك الثقافي والفكري وهما الإرساليات التبشيرية وتأثير النهضة العربية الحديثة . فقد تعرف شعب دول الخليج على التقدم العربي الحديث في الثقافة والفكر من خلال الصحف العربية وزيارة بعض المثقفين الى المنطقة كما أسهمت زيادة بعض سكان دول الخليج الى مدن الاشعاع الحضاري سواء للتجارة او لطلب العلم والذي سعى الى تحقيق هذا الهدف . Arab gulf region lived till the twentieth century a period descried as cultural and intellectual un development. At that time the Gulf haven't witnessed any features of emerging of cultural and intellectual awareness such as schools, press, social and literal clubs and associations. a vision for the reality of the region by saying .Even the journals which depended upon a limited group of Gulf's people that reached from the Arab neighbor countries such as Egypt , Iraq and Syria .There was also main factors contributed in increasing the social and itellectuall a wareness in Arab Gulf such the western massinary . The Gulf's people knew the cultural and intellectual modern Arab progress through the Arab press and the visit by number of itellectualists to the region . Trips of the Gulf's people to some centers of modern Arab growth, whether for trade purposes or education demand then the main role for learning and cultural institutions in Arab Gulf to achieve this purpose .
Abstract: تعد دراسة موارد ابن الزبير الاندلسي من برامج الشيوخ وفهارسهم في "صلة الصلة" على جانب من الأهمية التاريخية بوصفها محاولة لمعرفة واستقراء الموارد المعتمدة لدى ابن الزبير الاندلسي الذي يعد من أعلام المؤرخين في مجال التراجم. وتناول البحث فقرتين أساسيتين، تضمنت الأولى: التعريف بان الزبير وخصصت الثانية: لبرامج الشيوخ وفهارسهم التي استقى منها ابن الزبير معلوماته في تدوين تراجم أعلامه وتم ترتيبهم حسب الأسبقية لتاريخ وفاة صاحب البرنامج أو الفهرسة. وبدأنا بالاندلسيين أولا، ثم ألحقناهم بالمغاربة.The sources of Ibn Al-Zubair Al-Andalusi regarded one of basic programs and contents in the book "Silat-Al silaa" as attempt to induct the source which adopted by Al-Andalusi who regard one of the pioneer biographer in the field of history. The given research concluded double main paragraphs, the first is included the definition of Ibn Al-Zubair, but the second is specialized with the programs of the pioneers and their contents according their death of the Elite, then, we begin with the Indolicians, after them the Magharibas.
Abstract: Extremism is an old phenomenon in Devine or earthly religions . In most societies it represented a negative phenomenon , Yet it was adopted by followers and advocates for they believed that it was the best way to recognize facts and the Others have a vein understanding of them . In simple terms extremism is the exaggeration of an attitude towards a principled issue or person connected with this issue whether it is a matter of acceptance or rejection . For exampl a man exaggerates his love , admiration a hatred . Also a man exaggerates his religious obligation , Muslims have been suffering from extremists , their opinions and styles which are alien to the Islamic society . They came as a result of the openness brought by Islam for all peoples and religions . The research presents a brief review of this new - yet ancient phenomenon starting with defining it linguistically and terminologically . It also givs a survey of its historical roots and the beginnings of its emergence in the Islamic society . Finally , the research deals with the most important mamifestations of extremism such as Metamorphosis , Incarnation , the definition of persons , Permissiveness and Mahdism .
Abstract: The tribes of the Iraqi-Syrian borders played an important role in the relationship between the British mandatory authority in Iraq and the French mandatory one in Syria between 1920-1932. in order to throw light on this subject, the research was divided into three axes. The first axis tackled the borderline between Iraq and Syria during Iraqi Syrian borderline tribes with regard to their geographical distribution to the two sides of the borders. The second axis handled the disputes among these tribes between 1920-1932 concerning their causes and political sides. As for the third axis, it tackled the attitudes of the British and the French mandatory authorities to the dispute of the Iraqi-Syrian borders tribes; especially the tribal conferences held during the period.
Abstract: من خلال دراسة مفهوم الدولة في معجمات العربية نجد ان المعاجم لم تعرف المدلول القانوني والسياسي للدولة. فقد اقتصرت في تعريفها للدولة على معنين هما تداول المال وتداول الغلبة في الحرب، أي ان العرب قبل الإسلام لم يعرفوا الدولة بالمفهوم المعاصر حيث كانت الرابطة التي تربطهم تقوم على اساس القرابة الحقيقية او المصطنعة (الولاء) . ويقدم هذا البحث توضيح عن دور القبيلة في نشأة الدولة عند العرب قبل الإسلام على اعتبار انه لم تكن في بلاد الحجاز قبل ظهور الإسلام دولة عامة بالمعنى القانوني الذي نفهمه الان عن الدولة وانما كانت القبيلة والتي هي جماعة من الناس ينتسب جميع أفرادها أو يعتقدون أنهم ينتسبون الى جد واحد مشترك ويعتقدون ان رابطة الدم الواحد تجمعهم ويسكنون عادة في منطقة واحدة وهم يحملون واجبات مشتركة في الدفاع عن القبيلة وفي الدية. ويوضح البحث ان القبيلة عند العرب كانت مرادفاً للدولة وذلك من خلال دراسة اركان الدولة من الناحية القانونية وهي الشعب والحكومة والاقليم والسيادة وما يقابلها من اركان في القبيلة. كما يبرز البحث مكانة سيد القبيلة وشخصيته والصفات الواجب توافرها وطريقة اختيار سيد القبيلة . Through the study of the concept of the state in Arabic lexicons it is found that the lexicons haven’t defined the legal and political concepts of the state. Their definition of the concept of the state is restricted to two meanings only: the circulation of money and the circulation of victory in war. In other words, the pre-Islam Arabs did not know the contemporary concept of the state. There existed the link that built upon the real or the pretended kinship (allegiance). This research discusses the role of the tribe in the rise of the state of the pre-Islam Arabs taking into consideration that in Belad al-Hajaz there was a general state in the legal sense currently known. The tribe was a group of people that belonged to a common grandfather. They believed that the blood relation unified them and they lived in one area. They had common duties to defend the tribe and to give the blood money. Also the research explains that the tribe was synonymous with the current concept of the state. This is achieved through the study of the foundations of through the state such as people, government, district, and sovereignty. It I s also concluded that the chieftain had “particular position and character and it shows his traits and the way of selecting the chieftain.
Abstract: يعد انغمار الجيش في السياسة معلماً بارزاً في تاريخ السودان المعاصر ، اتضحت صورته وبشكل جليّ من خلال سعي القائمين عليه لإحداث التغيرات السياسية عن طريق الانقلابات العسكرية . وغدت مقولة أن كل من يقود دبابة يستطيع أن يحدث انقلاباً في الصباح أمراً واقعاً على الأقل خلال مدة خمسينيات وستينيات القرن المنصرم في السودان .أن الملاحظ في كل المحاولات الانقلابية بروز التأثيرات والضغوطات الخارجية في إحداثها ، ولعل انقلاب الفريق إبراهيم عبود عام 1958 من ابرز تلك الانقلابات حيث تشابكت المؤثرات والضغوطات الأجنبية والعربية ، مع احتدام شديد للصراع السياسي الداخلي والتي تضافرت جميعها في تهيئة الأجواء السياسية المناسبة لإحداث الانقلاب المذكور في صبيحة يوم 7 تشرين الثاني 1958 .Abstract:The involvement of army in political is regarded as a prominent hallmark in the contemporary Sudanese history. It has become quite clear in when the commanders of the army tried to cause political changes through the military coups. In the fifties sixties of the last century in Sudan.It is noteworthy that through these coups revealed foreign influences and pressures in their making on of these coups was General Ibrahim Aboods coup in 1958.
Abstract: Kuperlus Family made every effort to reform ottoman state (1656-1702) , which helped to stop the weakness of the state for atime . Mohammed pash kuperlu has taken the first place in the ottoman state , which lives a very difficult circumstance on the internal and external standard . So that he did his best in the stats functions, put an end to the corruptions in the state, made massive reforms in different fields of state especially the military constitute. He also worked together with the sultana khadijah Tarkhan to terminate the women's power and their continuos intrusions in the state, which made it reaches its fall. His sons who descends him in the first place , able to continue his reformatory direction , Despite , some cessation in the reformatory process especially when the persons who had taken the first place weren’t like their ability which made the reformatory process Late and reduced its advantage .
Abstract: يعد الخطاب الوعظي احد اهم وسائل الاصلاح الاجتماعي والتوجيه الفكري في المجتمع ؛ لما لهذا الخطاب من وقع وثأثير نفسي في المقابل , وهو اسلوب حضاري دعا اليه المنهج الدعوي القرآني في قوله تعالى : {ادْعُ إِلِى سَبِيلِ رَبِّكَ بِالْحِكْمَةِ وَالْمَوْعِظَةِ الْحَسَنَةِ وَجَادِلْهُم بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِنَّ رَبَّكَ هُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِمَن ضَلَّ عَن سَبِيلِهِ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِالْمُهْتَدِينَ} النحل125. والشخصية المعرفية والمؤثرة في اسلوبها الوعظي ، هي احد اهم ركائز نجاح هذا الخطاب وتفعيله ، وهو ماسيتناوله هذا البحث من خلال تسليط الضوء على شخصية وعظية ، تلك هي شخصية الواعظ ابي الحسين بن سمعون (300هـ - 387 هـ) الذي كان يحضى بشعبية عالية في بغداد بسبب تاثير مواعظه في الوسط الاجتماعي ، سيما وانه عاش ضمن حقبة حرجة ومضطربة وهي حقبة التسلط التركي والنصف الاول من عصر السيطرة البويهية على العراق وما رافقها من اوضاع سيئة على مستوى البنية الاجتماعية ، جراء الفتن الطائفية التي شهدتها تلك الحقبة ، فضلا عن سوء الاوضاع العامة . ويتضمن البحث معالجة تلك النقاط معتمدا المنهج التحليلي القائم على استقراء النصوص التاريخية وتحليلها ، متبعا قواعد منهج البحث التاريخي . In regard, the preaching is one of basic of social reforming and intellectual thought in society. So Allah says " Call unto way of thy lord with wisdom and fair exhortation , and reason with them in the better way . Lo! thy is best aware of him who strayeth from his way , and He is Best Aware of those who go aright."(An-Nahl 125)The preacher Ibi-Al Hussian Ibnsamoon (300. 387. A.H) well excepted in various location in Islamic society, especially during his existence in an embarrassed a atmospheres where the Turkish and Buyahides demonance on Iraq. So, the research adopted the Analyzing method to improve the historical texts.
Abstract: The research is an attempt to realise the ways of transferring the textual material(died 334 A.H/994A.D) of "tabaqat muhaddithi Ahl Al-Mawsil" by Abu Zakaria al-Azdi to the later historians especially that the book are not exist at our time.The book is considered one of the lost, yet very important book about scientific and culture history of Mosul. Our Knowledge about that book came from many historical books such as "tarikh baghdad" by al-khatiib al- Baghdadi (died 1070 A.D./463 A.H.) , "Ausd al-ghaba fi ma'rifat-al-sahgaba"by Ibn al-Athir (died 1232A.D./630A.H.),"bughiat al-talab fi ta'rikh halab"by Ibn al-'Adim (1261A.D./660A.H.). Historians had been taking their information indirectly from religions shiekhs and pupils' narratives notably Abu-Almudhafar Mansur Bin Muhamad al-Tusi who was al-Azdi's pupil.Those narratives then transferred to later historians .
Abstract: مرت المنطقة العربية بظروف سياسية أدت إلى قيام منظمة عربية إقليمية كان لبريطانيا دورا في إنشائها عرفت بجامعة الدول العربية والتي منذ أن نشأت والى اليوم اتسم معظم أدائها بالعجز والفشل في معالجة القضايا العربية في مختلف المجالات ، الأمر الذي أدى إلى ارتفاع الأصوات المطالبة بضرورة أصلاحها ووضعها على المسار الصحيح لتتمكن من أداء مهامها بصورة فاعلة ولتكون مركزا هاما في الحياة العربية على كافة الأصعدة والميادين .Arabic area pass in policy circum stance led to form regional Arabic organization British has role in form it this organization knowed the Arab league which since it formed until today much of it performance know by failure and frustration in treatment Arab issues in different field so that led to rise the sounds of demands to reform it and put it in right way in order to succeed in his work and to become important center in Arab life in whole field and domains.
Abstract: The research deals with the important role of sheikhs of Islam in taking decisions in ottoman state. Owing to their high status in society, sheikhs of Islam a great effect on different matters, In fact, they are not only concerned with religious affairs but also with political and social ones.
Abstract: يقدم هذا البحث دراسة اولية عن اهم الركائز التي اعتمدتها السياسة الأمريكية المعاصرة في حروبها في القرن الحادي والعشرين الا و هو النفط ، فقد وضعت لحروبه تلك ذرائع وفقاً لاستراتيجيتها العسكرية والاقتصادية ، فاختارت اسم " الحرب على الإرهاب " مؤكدة ان منطقة الشرق الاوسط تحديداً تعد منبع الارهاب في العالم وانها تسعى بكل طاقاتها للقضاء عليه . غير ان مبرراتها كانت واضحة المعالم منذ البداية ، فهي وطبقاً للتقارير التي اعدها خبرائها في المجال النفطي والاقتصادي والجيولوجي الذين اكدوا بأن نضوب النفط في العالم بات وشيكاً ، اعتبرت الادارة الامريكية ذلك بمثابة ناقوس الخطر الذي يهدد مصالحها واقتصادها ، فلجأت الى البحث عن مواقع حيوية جديدة مستغلة كانت ام غير مستغلة والحفاظ عليها بالسيطرة على ثرواتها ومواردها الطبيعية وفي مقدمتها النفط بالتأكيد ، فقامت باحتلال افغانستان باعتبارها ممر رئيس يمكنها من خلالها السيطرة على نفط بحر قزوين ، ثم قامت باحتلال العراق باعتباره بلد يمتلك احتياطات كبيرة من الثروات النفطية الهائلة ، الى جانب موارده الطبيعية الاخرى ، ومن خلاله يمكن للولايات المتحدة الاستيلاء على بقية الثروات النفطية الاخرى في المنطقةIndustrial Revolution and what has accompanied it of results and financial guarantees, made clear that it has been in need for markets and Consumers to insure the Continuity and the growth of economic development. U.S.A. has decided to be in line with the imperial approach in 1898, and there was the Spanish-American war. That had given the justifications for occupying the near and remote Spanish areas to reach Philippine which had stayed under the American occupation for about half century. Then Came the culture which challenged values of religions being harmful in its nature and could destroy the human environment.In the light of u.s. leadership . the universe had witnessed four world wars. The first was against Germany and Ottoman Empire, the second was against Germany and Japan. As for the third war, it was against the U.S.S.R. and it was Called “ the Cold War “.After victories achieved by U.S.A. In the first, Second World Wars and the third one ((The Cold War)) they were mainly for the benefit of American Capitalist which started attacking all forms of other Capitalist especially Socialist European Capitalist as well as the Japanese example which transferred in the light of American economists as being the only Communism working in high efficiency. During 20th century U.S. president Woodrow Wilson, when he said that it was war which could end all wars, the freedom was his pledge said by president Franklin Rosveelt to justify U.S. entering the Second World War. President Henry Truman was in the same line expressed by the previous C.I.A. James Wilsey and U.S.A. had chosen Islam and the Moslems in Addition to oil as the target for it but under the name “ War against terrorism”.The Fourth World War is the American war and it is still existed to control oil resources in Middle East Area. The truth is that the last war is also against Islam. It is the ambitions and the most important factor which moves the elite. Oil is the backbone of Capitalism and most oil resources are existed in Moslem lands.Some see that the aim demands the existence of continuous war. But the war is the name of the game practiced by Capitalist elite. In this topic Roderik Brathwaite , the previous president of British common Intelligence had written in Financial Times saying: Fish traders do not practice any thing but selling Fish, and war traders do not practice any thing but marketing wars. This is what is done by president George W. Bush by stressing when he is describing himself as being “ I am a militant President “ .There is a fact recognized by callers of U.S. hegemony upon the World from financial and military elite which says that their states are about to exhaust their oil resources. King Hubbard a geologist and oil expert expected that oil production has started its journey of retreat and America should depend more and more upon foreign oil imported to move the process of its national product .
Abstract: The research focuses to shed light for one of Religious thought in Ancient Iraq, by offering views to Gods. So, the sacred stick was one of offering material which took place in Ancient Iraq. The research explains the content of manuscripts in Ancient Iraq history, and the symbolic relation of those sacred sticks with Gods, in addition to the form and the core of those sacred sticks.
Abstract: يقع حوض دربندكومسبان، البالغ مساحته (132,5 ) كيلو مترا مربعا الى الشرق والشمال الشرقي من مدينة أربيل بـ(27) كيلومتراً، وتتحدد حدوده جغرافياً بجبل سفين شرقاً وجبلي جيشكة وسارتكة غربا وجبل بنه باوي جنوبا ومرتفعات بايزيك شمالاً ، وفلكيا بين دائرتي عرض( 16 ْ 36 و َ25 36ْ )شمالا وخطي طول(5َ1 44 ْو 30َ 44ْ )شرقا وجيولوجيا ضمن نطاق جمجمال الثانوي ، وتتكشف على سطحه العديد من التكاوين الجيولوجية , وتتحدد أعمارها مابين الكريتاسي(Creatceous) والايوسين (Eocene) .يهدف البحث الى دراسة الخصائص المورفومترية للحوض والمتكون من واديي جيشكة وسارتكة ، واعتبرا احواض صرف مستقلة لغرض التحليل والمقارنة ، ولتحقيق ذلك جاءت الدراسة بمحورين ، تناول اولهما دراسة الخصائص البيئية للمنطقة ، وثانيهما الخصائص المورفومترية ، فيما ابرزت الدراسة وجود ستة مراتب نهرية للحوض ، واقتراب شكل الحوض للشكل المستدير ، وبمعامل انعطاف كبير يعكس التاثير البنيوي والتضاريسي للمنطقة .Darbandgomsban Basinan (an area of 132.5 km2 ) situated (27) kms east and nothern east of Arbil city. Its Geographical borders are Siveen mountion to the east , Jeeshka and Sartaka Mountion to the west , Banabawi Mountion to the south and the heights of Baizeek to the north . Astrologically, it is situated between latitude( َ16 ْ 36 - َ25 36 ْ) to the north and between longitude (15َ 44 ْ- 30َ 44ْ ). Geologically , it is situated within secondary Chamchamal . On its surface , many geological formation can be seen , aged between the Creatceous and Eocene.The research aims at the study of the Morphometric Characteristics of the Basin which formed the two valleys , Jeeshka and Sartaka which were considered as drainge basins for the purpose of analysis and comparison.The study falls into two sections, the first is the environmental characteristics. it includes the geological characteristics topography, climate and soil , with the second dealt with the morphometric characteristics. The study showed six stream orders of the Basin,and that the shape of the basin is seme-circle and which reflects the struturas and topographic effect the region .
Abstract: Researchers were always interested in studying arbitrary shops in residential quarters,due to the negative reflections on many aspects such as aesthetic side,the neigh boring residentialunits,traffic jams and their leftovers hike the organic wastes of butcher shops, blacksmiths not to forget mention the noise affecting public health. howerer not all reflections negative such as the extraordinary circuris tances of Iraq in general and Mosul in particular. this positive side is providing locals with the necessary requirements .such cpositive side is the corestone of this research in addition to unalyse the commercial structure. Studying the efficiency of shops is micro type study ,revealing the continuity of shopping from them, the motives clike the psychological one, his longing to meet his need from these shops and to lessen time in having goods and not to forget to mention the security side and the circumstances connected being an occupied country
Abstract: IBN HAWKAL maps emerged in the 4 th century A.H/10TH A.O as a new break through in Islamic geography science , it is part of islam ATLAS and introduced new concepts. Leaving behind the seven divisions for Islamic countries. IBN HAWKAL made 21 maps putting the global image at the first page of his book. The rounded image of world known then. Other maps representing division of Islamic world with its administrative boundaries known then at 4 th century A.H. To evaluate maps we depended on basic standards like little direction. Measure and optional variables to reveals both its originality and personality. Its concluded then that the maps are independent from both greek and romantic influnces and belong renovated school Islamic cartiography.
Abstract: يعد أرسطو احد كبارالمفكرين اليونان الذين ظهروا في القرن الرابع ق.م, وكان له أثرا كبيرا في قيام الحضارة اليونانية آنذاك, ونظرا لإنجازاته في مجال الفلسفة اليونانية فقد حظيت كتاباته باهتمام الباحثين في العصور الوسطى والحديثة, إذ ترجمت العديد منها إلى لغات العالم المختلفة.وفي ضوء ألمكانه التي نالتها مؤلفاته الفلسفية جاء هدف البحث ليكشف جانبا من العطاء الفكري عنده عن طريق دراسة جهده في الفكر الجغرافي اليوناني.تكمن أهمية البحث في تجميع المفاهيم الجغرافية لدى أرسطو في دراسة شاملة, ومن هنا جاءت مشكلة البحث في توثيق تلك المفاهيم وتحقيقها بالرجوع إلى مصادرها الأساسية.ومن خلال هيكلية البحث تبين أن لأرسطو جهدا كبيرا في الفكر الجغرافي اليوناني أتضح من خلال شمولية مفاهيمه الجغرافية لمعظم فروع الجغرافية الطبيعية والبشرية والتي عكست مدى تأثير الجغرافية على الفكر اليوناني وعلى قيام الحضارة اليونانية آنذاك.Aristotle is considered one of the greatest Greek thinkers that appeared in the 4th C.B.C he hag a great influence on the development of the Greek civilization at that time, and since he had many achievements in the Greek philosophy, his writings has attracted the researchers attention in the middle ages as well as the present time and many of his works have been translated into many languages.In light of the importance of Aristotle's philosophical writings, this research aims at disclosing part of his thinking by studying his efforts in the geographical thought.The importance of this research lies in collecting Aristotle's geographical concepts in one comprehensive study here lies the problem of the research which is documenting and verifying these concepts by tracing them to their basic sources.The structure of the research shows that Aristotle had big efforts in the Greek philosophical thought that can be seen through the comprehensibility of his concepts including many branches of human and natural geography, and whish reflected the influence of geography on the Greek thinking as on the rise of the Greek civilization at time.