Peer Review Process
College of Basic Education Research Journal (CBERJ) uses the double-blind peer-reviewing system to assure the quality of the publication. Research should be submitted through the journal management system on the Internet, where the author must first register in the journal's system and then send the research. The journal uses the I Thenticate program to check for similarities before sending it to the reviewers. The researcher responsible for the research will be informed of the research results within a month or two through the journal system on the Internet.
1. Submitting the Research to the journal: the researcher responsible for the correspondence sends the research through the Journal of Basic Education Research(JBER) system via the Internet.
2. Form Assessment: a member of the editorial board verifies the composition of the research according to the researchers' instructions for preparing the research sent for publication in the journal; at this stage, the quality of the research is not assessed.
3. Editor-in-Chief's Assessment: the editor-in-chief verifies that the research is suitable for publication in the journal, that the research is original and exciting, and that it falls within the journal's jurisdiction to a sufficient degree. If this is not the case, the research is rejected without being submitted for evaluation.
4. Plagiarism Test: The research is tested in this step using the I thenticate program to obtain the results of the research plagiarism. If this percentage is less than 20%, the research is sent for evaluation, and if the results of this test are more than that, the research is rejected.
5. Sending the Research for Assessment: the editor-in-chief sends invitations to people he believes will be suitable evaluators for this research. These invitations are usually sent to two reviewers to evaluate the research with a sufficient number (two accepted reviewers decisions).
6. Reviewres' Response to the Invitation to Evaluate the Research: the reviewer reads the abstract of the research and t assesses his experience in the field of research and interests, based on which a decision will be made to accept or reject the research assessment.
7. Completing the Evaluation Process: the reviewer allocates time to read the research several times. The first reading is used to form a first impression of the work. The reviewer can refuse the research without further work if significant problems are found. Otherwise, the research will be read several times, taking notes to build a detailed review of each point. Then, the evaluation report is submitted to the journal, with a recommendation to accept or reject the research or request corrections (usually flagged as major or minor) before reconsidered.
8. Viewing the Reviewer's Report: the chief editor reviews the research evaluation reports sent by the reviewers before making a comprehensive decision. If the reviewers' opinions vary considerably, the editor-in-chief can send the research for evaluation by an additional reviewer before making a final decision.
9. The First Decision: the editor-in-chief sends an e-mail to the researcher, including the research evaluation reports, as the reviewer's name is unknown to the researcher.
10. The Researcher's Sending a Corrected Copy of the Research: the researcher must make the changes requested by the evaluator and highlight these changes using red or yellow shading.
11. Final Decision: if accepted, the research is carried out and published, the researcher must pay the publishing fee. Later the search is sent to the page designer and then the publisher.