Extremism is an old phenomenon in Devine or earthly religions . In most societies it represented a negative phenomenon , Yet it was adopted by followers and advocates for they believed that it was the best way to recognize facts and the Others have a vein understanding of them .
In simple terms extremism is the exaggeration of an attitude towards a principled issue or person connected with this issue whether it is a matter of acceptance or rejection . For exampl a man exaggerates his love , admiration a hatred . Also a man exaggerates his religious obligation , Muslims have been suffering from extremists , their opinions and styles which are alien to the Islamic society . They came as a result of the openness brought by Islam for all peoples and religions .
The research presents a brief review of this new - yet ancient phenomenon starting with defining it linguistically and terminologically . It also givs a survey of its historical roots and the beginnings of its emergence in the Islamic society . Finally , the research deals with the most important mamifestations of extremism such as Metamorphosis , Incarnation , the definition of persons , Permissiveness and Mahdism .