تم في هذه الدراسة اختبار قابلية تكوين الكالس من أجزاء (فلق ، سيقان ، أوراق وجذور) بادرات الخيار Cucumis sativus. Lفي وسط MS المضاف اليه تراكيز متباينة من NAA أو 2,4-D ومتداخلة مع تراكيز مختلفة من BA ، وكان لقطع الفلق قابلية جيدة على استحداث الكالس في معظم الأوساط المختبرة تليها السيقان ثم الأوراق وفشلت الجذور في ذلك ، وكان الوسط MS المحتوي 2.0 ملغم / لتر BA و 1.0 ملغم / لتر NAA و 2,4-D ملائماً لاستحداث الكالس من أجزاء الفلق (100%) ، بينما كان الوسط الحاوي على 1.0 ملغم / لتر لكل من BA و NAA مناسباً في حالة السيقان (57%) ، اظهر الكالس المزروع في الوسط MS المدعم بتراكيز (0.0 – 1.0) ملغم / لتر NAA ومتداخلة مع تراكيز (1.0-4.0) ملغم / لتر BA قابلية على التمايز وتكوين الأفرع الخضرية ، وامتاز كالس الفلق بكفاءته في تكوين المجاميع الخضرية مقارنة بكالس السيقان وكان الوسط MS المحتوي 0.1 ملغم/لترNAA و 4.0 ملغم/لتر من BA افضل وسط لتمايز كلا نوعي الكالس، وتمكنت الافرع الخضرية الناتجة من تكوين الجذور في وسط MS الخالي من منظمات النمو وتمكنت مجموعة من النباتات الناتجة من تحمل الظروف البيئية والتكيف عند نقلها إلى التربة .This study included the formation of callus from the explants (cotyledons, stems, leaves and roots) of Cucumis sativus. L seedlings . MS medium supplemented with various concentration of (NAA or 2,4-D) in combination with different concentration of BA were used . The response of cotyledons explants for callus induction was the best, followed by stems and leaves. MS medium containing 2.0 mg/L BA and 1.0 mg/L NAA or 2,4-D was favorable for callus induction from cotyledon (100%), while the medium containing 1.0 mg/L of NAA and BA was best in sustaining callus formation for stem (57%). The ability of callus for regeneration was tested, in MS medium containing different concentrations (0.0-1.0) mg/L of NAA combining with various concentrations (0.0- 4.0) mg/L of BA, callus of cotyledons showed the best response in comparison with the callus of stems. The best regeneration medium for cotyledons and stems was MS medium with 0.1 mg/L of NAA and 4.0 mg/L of BA . The regenerated stems could form roots in MS free medium ,and the plant which formed were adapted to the environmental conditions . Women recently has been paid a considerable deal of attention by researchers and writers particularly after the increased arguments about her role in the society; her importance and her equality with man; and to what extent woman should exist in the sectors of everyday work. The Islamic movements paid attention to woman depending on the Islamic concepts of the Glorious Quran and sunna which urge Moslems to take care of woman and to respect her rights and position in the society. The importance of this research lies in focusing on the stand of the Islamic movements towards woman issues represented by her right in learning and saharing man in politics and public positions. The research includes an introduction and three chapters.Chapter one deals with the case of woman in the Glorious Quran and sunna, while chapter two deals with woman in the ideologies of modern Islamic pioneers. Chapter three is devoted to shed light on the attitude of the Islamic movements towards issues woman through teaching her and allowing her to participate in politics represented in her right to take part in the elections, her membership in parlaments in addition to her participation in public positions. The research reached at several findings. The most important of which is that the Islamic movements deals with the issues of woman in terms of their understanding of the Glorious Quran and sunna, and it is agreed that woman must gain her rights in learning and participating in elections. At the same time, Islamic movements have different stands towards her participation in parlaments membership and public positions.