
The research aims to identify
The Effect of the style of competition on collective cognitive Personnels
The Effect of the prescriptive
The variance between the approaches for collective cognitive Personnels


The research aims to identify 1 -The Effect of the style of competition on collective cognitive Personnels (Contemplative - impulse) to learn some basic skills of volleyball and their Retenion 2 -The Effect of the prescriptive (traditional) style on collective cognitive Personnels (Contemplative - impulse) to learn some basic skills of volleyball and their Retenion after the prescriptive style (traditional) to animate the cognitive domain (Contemplative - impulse) to learn some basic skills of volleyball and to keep. 3 -The variance between the approaches for collective cognitive Personnels (Contemplative - impulse) to learn some basic skills of volleyball and to keep. The sample of the research students in the Division and (b) of their number (39) students to be the experimental group and the Division (c) of their number (37) students to be the control group. In order to measure individual differences between students in the Cognitive (Contemplative - impulse) Style as a cognitive styles , the tool prepared by (Ayyash, 2009) because it is designed for secondary stage and applied to the Iraqi environment, the researcher made analysis of variance to verify equal research groups in physical fitness and effective in learning the skills under study for the four groups. The researcher used the statistical methods: Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, T- test of the samples is associated with Analysis of variance(F), The researcher Concluded 1- Superiority of first and second experimental group of competitive impulsive Personnels who used collective competition on the first and second control group Contemplative – impulse learner who used the traditional style in learning some basic skills of volleyball and their Retenion. 2- Superiority of experimental group of competitive Personnels who used collective competition over the second experimental group of Contemplative learner who used the same style in learning some basic skills of volleyball and their Retenion