The research aims at identifying the differences between normal pupils and slow learning pupils in some physical characteristics and basic motor skills. The researcher has used the descriptive method, because it suits the nature of the research. The sample of the study has consisted of third primary pupils; (10) slow learning pupils and (10) normal pupils. The sample has been equalized in pupils' age, weight, and length as well as in some of the physical characteristics and basic motor skills (under research). Both groups have undergone special tests of physical characteristics and basic motor skills. The main experiment has been applied on the sample of the research on the 16th of March (2014). The tests have been distributed on three days. The researcher has used the following statistical means: calculated mean, standard deviation, T-value and the statistical program spss.
After analyzing the data, the researcher has found the following:
1- Both groups of normal and slow learning pupils have had similar abilities and physical characteristics (under research); there has been no difference between them.
2- Normal pupils have been better in comparison with slow learning in some basic motor skills (under research) which have been qualified by the nature of nerve and muscle harmony.
The researcher has recommended the following:
1- Paying attention to slow learning pupils during sport classes by giving them motor exercises to develop their mental capacities which in turn develop the harmony of nerve and muscle.
2- Emphasizing sports that give the chance for more pupils to participate in practicing sport activities.
3- paying attention to the current physical education program and put special curriculum for the slow learning pupils