Because of the importance of the place in Ibn Masum al-Madani’s poetry, especially its connection to the praise of the Messenger (PBUH), as he employed places for this purpose, and this is a feature of the poet that may not be available to the poetry of other poets. Such a feature suggests the poet’s orientation towards the Islamic mystical tendency by focusing on mentioning the holy place and multiple types of poetry. The place and its stampede with time, personality, event and his travels between countries, which gave his poetry a spatial biography that relied on close details of the place and its parts.
The research consisted of an introduction and three themes. The introduction included: defining the concept of the place structure in the poetic text, the first theme was devoted to the study of the domestic place/ the hostile place, the second theme was devoted to the study of the historical place/ the immediate place, and the third theme included the study of the cosmic place / theatrical place.