Pragmatics is an outstanding breakthrough that interested language researchers. It is an approach first explored by west philosophers and soon gained currency in linguistics. It is concerned with language meaning in use. It has outspreaded all over the world because it deals with language meaning which is the essential concern of any linguistic activity.The study aims at sorting out how Arabic researchers have proved the existence of western linguistic theories in the Arabic heritage and demonstrating the significance of pragmatic approach in studying meaning in Arabic heritage.The hypothesis of study tries to answer whether Arab scholars are in need of modern linguistic theories; whether they have any achievements in modern linguistics; whether old Arab linguists formed linguistic theories and whether Arabic heritage contains the basics for modern theories.The study is confined to investigate the pragmatic approaches in the heritage school of rhetoricians, grammarians and clergy men.The study concludes that Arab scholars have not cared enough for Arabic heritage which has the basics for the contemporary theories; a project of translating the heritage books into other languages is indispensible to show the whole world that pragmatics is not completely a new trend, rather an old trend existing between the lines in the old Arabic books; Arab students of today rarely read in the old heritage books and the endeavor to prove the existence of the modern west linguistic theories in the heritage books made Arab researchers start to search in them.