The Qur'an remains the inexhaustible sea and provides the scholars with new and useful topics, and the subject of the Qur'anic comma is not new, but the desired thing is to study the construction of this comma in terms of its significance, and to link this building to the whole verse, and it is known that each building has its own significance, but this does not remain monopolized by itself, but comes out other connotations determined by the context: in which it is contained, Such as the departure of the indication of the building of the name of the actor to the name of the effect, or to the similar character and so on. It is also important to distinguish between the Qur'anic comma and the term saja in the rhetorical and whether it is appropriate to call the Qur'anic comma saja. Many of these words came only in The Moon, such as: "Muzdjar- Denial - Diffuse - Dasser - Madkar - Continuous - Soaker - Price - Asher - The Monopoly - Victor - Al-Daber - Rainer - River) and the interval has overcome weight: (contrived - act - edgy) which gives the commas more parallel that increases the consistency of the verse and its proportionality and symmetry". The letter "R" is one of the letters that I have described between intensity and softness, and has other characteristics.