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الكلمات المفتاحية

جمالیة التکرار

؛التکرار لغة
؛تکرار الکلمة
؛تکرار الجملة أو العبارة
؛التکرار اصطلاحا


The current research deals with uncovering the repetition structure and denotation in the poems "of  Amjad Mohammed Saeed and also seeking to identify the nature of this structure, its types, mechanisms and function and to which extent the poet could succeed in terms of employing his pen and makes it an effective tool through the poetic text that was charged by the poet with the rhythmic outpour that diversified the poems between the stillness to the action and music." "The research tackled the repetition phenomenon in the poems of Amjad Mohammed Saeed, the phenomenon which was clear in his poems that is tightly attached to the psychology of the poet and his life. The repetition rests on a set of stylistic selections of a specific material. The research also aims at identifying the nature of this phenomenon, how to construct it, how to formulate it and to which extent the poet succeeded to construct it to make it a vital instrument inside the poetic text and the way in which he could employ it delicately to make it an aesthetic tool that moves the space of the poetic text and transforms it from stillness into motion and action. Moreover, the research endeavors to identify the axes of the repetition and its patterns that were characterized with the word repetition (in the beginning or the end of the verse), the sentence repetition and the role played by these axes in building the text in spite of the diversity of texts and to which level those axes were capable of forming new poetic contexts that are characterized by strong and exciting denotations for the recipient, which draw his attention and influence him that he might live inside the poetic event portrayed by the poet.
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