Mamlokian are witnessed the appearance of a political group named as Julban Mamlokies . They had a significant impact on the unstability of the Mamlokies state politically and Economically .
The appearance of Julbans started at the Mamlokian are exactly at the age of Sultan Al-Adil Catabaga in (695A.H./ 1295A.C.) . A Mongolian tribe moved from Parisia called as Oiratie to the Sham (Damascus) . Sultan Al – Adil treated them kindly and supported them .
In addition to that, he considered them as Moslems . In spite of that , Julban started to make troubles in the Mamlokian states . Every age of sultans witnessed great problems caused by Julbans .
The famous features of Mamlokies was their inclination to murder , and stealing and the aggression on others and their families . Neither Sultan nor prince could stop them , least the may move against him . They were not obey Islamic regulation , and some of them did not muslems .Sultans continued to bring them and depended on them , whch resulted in a negative impact on Mamloki are , and led finally to the collapse of Mamlokian state and initiation of Ottomans state at (922A.H./1517A.C.)