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Praise belong to Allah , peace be upon the soul of our prophet mohammad and his followers : Abortion is not a new issve , many of our authorities in islamic legislation (may God bless their sovls) emphasized such case , specially if the pregnancy was in his middle to late phases , Regarding the early months of pregnancy , debate is still on whether to prohibit it or legalize it . This is not issve dealt with in this research , rather , it is the case of deformation of embryo . Such researches are rare in our library due to lack of scientific abilifies and delicate devices available nowadays . The reasons for such deformations may be a disease the mother caught , during her first three months of pregnancy , or using some medicines , going under chemical therapy , or radiation , or having sexually transmitting disease , or having X ray during the first months of pregnancy or if the mother was addicted to alcohol , drugs and cigarettes , leading to infect her child with some germs breaking . Deformation may be genetically . The infected genes may not come from parents , but from the grandparents , or may be the reason is an incomplete division of the egg during ferilization process when the woman is having a twin due to activating medicines which resulte in a baby with additional limb . The call to abort deformed embryo began in western world before east on two bases : First : such a child may not live , he may die in his mother's womb , during giving birth process or aftermath , and even if he lived he would be a burden on society . Second : why a mother should endure nime months of pregnancy for a deformed child ? Thus , the research is in two chapters followed by conlusion reached the researcher stating the prohibition of aborting deformed embryo either in the first , middle and last periods of pregnancy , even if he was born with deformed limbs due to the researcher belief that it is against God will and his saying " Does't he know , he who knows everything "
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