
Santolina insularis
Bacillus subtilis
Pseudomonas savastonoi تم في هذا البحث اختبار التأثير التثبيطي للمستخلصات الخام لأوراق نبات Santolina insularis على نوعين من البكتريا الممرضة للنبات Pseudomonas


In this research the inhibitory effect of the raw extracts of the leaves of Santolina insularis on two types of plant epidemic bacteria Pseudomonas savastonoi and Bacillus subtilis. Five types of raw extracts were used for both of them (petroleum ether, acetone, hot water, aqueous extract and alcohol extract) with four concentrations (30, 50, 70 and 100). Ciprodar medicine was comparison. The plates treated with the raw extracts and bacteria were incubated in 37 C° and the diameters of growth were recorded after 24 hours the treatment. The raw plant extracts showed a significant inhibitory effect against P.savstonoi especially for the concentration 100%, while the extract of petroleum ether and alcohol extract at the concentration 100% showed a significant inhibitory effect against B.subtilis as the inhibitory diameter was 18 and 19 mm respectively compared to the antibiotic Ciprodar.