Abstract The Invasion of Khaybar is considered one of the important invasions in history, which took place in the seventh year of the noble prophetic migration. It differed from other battles due to the presence of towering fortresses, as well as being equipped with all the necessities of siege such as water, supplies, and weapons, giving it strength and immunity to repel any attack. The Jews did not leave the Prophet (PBUH) and the Muslims to spread Islam and uphold the word of God, but they resorted to numerous schemes and alliances in an attempt to kill the Prophet (PBUH) and harm him in every possible way. However, Allah protected and saved him, and ordered him to head towards Khaybar. The research addresses the reasons and consequences of the Prophet's (PBUH) invasion of the Jews of Khaybar, including several topics such as the meaning of Khaybar and the reason for its name, the geographical location of the city of Khaybar, the origin of the Jews in Khaybar, the importance of the fortresses of Khaybar, the steps taken by the Prophet (PBUH) to conquer Khaybar, the reasons for the conquest of Khaybar, the Muslims' direction towards Khaybar, the preparations of the Muslims to conquer Khaybar, the battle to conquer the city's fortresses, the martyrs of Khaybar, and the consequences of the invasion. The conclusion highlights the most significant results reached by the research.