
Arabic Language
Grammatical choice
Grammatical rules


The phenomenon of grammatical selection occupied a wide area of concern for grammar scholars, so it had the largest share of their grammatical books, which is that there is a grammatical issue around which there are two or more opinions. The grammatical scholar favours one of the opinions and tends to it according to the rules followed in the science of grammar. The grammatical selection process is based on three pillars: first: the existence of a grammatical issue in which it differs. second: the existence of a grammatical scientist who distinguish on the issue to be weighted. third: the existence of comprehensive grammar rules that help the grammatical scholar to weight between opinions. The grammatical selection process enriches the grammatical memory and the intellectual mentality of the specialist. It is a process that opens the mind and opens wide field for it. We see the books concerned with this matter rich in ideas, full of sober grammatical knowledge that every interested person seeks, and which every student seeks. It also expands the culture of learning about other opinions, and not contenting itself with one opinion that the student adopts without intellectual renewal. We got acquainted with the scientific mentality that the grammarians possessed and the breadth of this knowledge, and it trained the student in fairness, impartiality and insightful consideration of grammatical disagreements.