In the early beginning , through 1st & 2nd centuries A.H. , the scientific movement in Mosul was based on narration and dictation as means of demanding and spreading science like other Islamic Contiguous territories . In the 3 rd century A, H. , however , the scientific movement was based on writing , books after the invention of paper .
After centuries , the process of writing , books has been developed and included all sorts of science . It was flourished within the frame of the Islamic civilization especially in the field of Koran, Hadeath, Linguistics and literature.
Traveling of Mouli scientists to the Islamic Contiguous territories , to ask for science was among the factors which deepened the intellectual and cultural interaction.
Morocco and Syria were among those territories visited by Mosuli scientists to exchange the scientific opinion
Consequently, the scientific movement has flourished in Mosul especially in the 6 th century A,H. .
There was no field of science in the Arabian Islamic civilization without a clear contribution of Mosuli Scientists.