


E-learning is one of the modern scientific methods that rely on scientific communication between the teacher and the student remotely via the Internet. It was present and widespread at the level of developed countries, but after the Corona pandemic, it was relied on in the study mainly for scientific communication between the teacher and students in both undergraduate and postgraduate studies. On this basis, the global network was directed to learn and gain experiences in various fields, and geography was one of them. So, work was done to establish workshops and seminars to increase scientific knowledge, and this increased the exchange of scientific experiences among teachers in Arabic and international universities.  To complement this trend, the government dealt with e-learning as one of the important means of delivering science and knowledge to students and not interrupting them from the educational process. Accordingly, work has been done to create electronic classes for students in their studies that are available for free within other applications based on the Classroom application. Classes were established in the field of various geographical disciplines, such as climatic geography, geomorphology, population geography, geographic information systems and other geographic materials. These scientific materials were communicated between Google meet students and teachers within the electronic classes in the Classroom program and used a program for discussion directly with students. Accordingly, work was done to establish a field study on the importance of e-learning in general and through its application in the subject of population geography and geographic information systems.